utorak, 12. srpnja 2011.

10 Ways to earn Money over Summer

Today everyone wants/needs money. You may now be like "Well, not me bitch, im not a fucking matherialist." but even with thinking for a lill while about that you'll realize you're wrong. You need money and you know it. We all do. And lets admitt it, we do live in a matherial world moved by money.

So here i present you 10 ways to earn money. I dont say they are easy or fast, nor i claim myself to be responsible for any of the consequences that you may gain with them (like being banned from the community or left and hatred by your loved ones etc) but i can asure you that all of your persistence and hard work have to pay off.... someday.


Wow, id bet you didnt know this but if you want money the easiest way would be to get a job. Now, nobody said that the finding of a job will be easy. If your still at school(what is my case) you'll probably want a part time job you'll be doing only over your summer holydays. Most kids where i come from choose bartending at coffe bars but if you're not that good with people(what is my case) you can just politely ask if you could only wash the dishes or clean toilettes n stuff. I know its a pretty dirty job but you need money, right?


This is quite simmilar to the first paragraph, the only difference is that you'll be working for an individual(like your neighbour or anyone else who will need your help and be ready to pay for it.). You can mow lawns, baby sit, walk dogs, help the eldery, do the shopping for them etc....


You can sell stuff you dont need or create stuff like clothes or jewelry and sell it.You also can sell your paintings(which have to be good if you want people to buy them) or anything else that you can make. 
Sell stuff over Etsy or eBay or over adverts you can put into the newspaper or just sell your handmade crafts to your friends and family. Also - if your going to start a real bussiness make sure you register your shop and make it legal, otherwise you can get into trouble and loose more money than you earned.


You can sing, dance or play any instrument? Great! Make money with your talent!! Find a bussy spot in your town and show the world what you can!! You will most likely attract the attention of the crowd and earn some money and if your really good at what your doing you also may become famous. Who knows, who knows....


Dont throw away your garbage, recycle itt!! Pick up the bottle, can or old newspaper and instead of throwing it away help mother nature and recycle it. Your doing a good deed and getting payed for it! 


Tatto the logo of your favourite company on your forehead or get it pasted all around your car. Also, you should get a contract with them BEFORE you do it.


WikiHow says: "A panhandler is a person who depends on the spontaneous charity of strangers for their survival." So all you have to do is sit in a corner with a empty cup and a "I NEED YOUR MONEY" shield. To make a better impact, leave home your D&G bag and better take your oldest, mangiest clothes and smear some mud over your face so you really look poor and homeless and awake some compassion from the bypassers what will result with you gaining more money. You also can make a list of all the deseases you have and body parts you need money to operate or perform choking or a near death expirience what will intrigue your audience even more.


You have a rare blood type and two kidneys? Make money with em!! You can sell your kidney for about 3000$ and get at least 1500$ for a liter of your blood. You also can sell blood plasm, sperm, eggs or even hair! Who needs organs if you can have money? 


This is one of the easiest ways to get money ever. Have sex with people and get payed for it. Why sell organs if you can sell your whole body?


Shoplifter, burglar, serial killer. What matters is that your doing it for money. You can also get involved in the local mafia or drug bussiness.
Just make sure you dont get caught and end up like this guy:

Disclaimer: I seriously hope that everyone got the sarcasm in most of this. In case you didnt: Im NOT responsible for any consequences. 
All the pics are from Google and belong to the nice people who uploaded them so we all can use them. Thank you, people.

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